Corporate Web

Specifically for companies taht want to have a strong and qualified presence on internet. It is to give your customers a practical a efficient information on your latest products, promotions and refferences, so the web will be noy only a contact but a way of increasing the loyalty of your customers and othes visitors. Great success in your marketing policy.

We develop corporate website provided by a previous study on the technical requirements needed for your bussiness, as there are many kinds of websites.

We could say that there are three main kinds of web proyects: those based on HTML pages with static contents (basic visual impact), the HTML pages ussing both statics and dinamic contents with FLASH (average visual impact) and those developed entirely with FLASH, all dinamic (high visual impact adding developement of multimedia elements). Your programming will be done with HTML or FLASH or mixture or both, depending on which approach or versatility you would like to give your page.

You can also add same additional extensions such as:

  • A section to manage without any maintenance all web contents (photo, texts, ...).
  • A multi-language option that will display your page in several languages including Spanish, French, German, ...


The developement of a Corporate Web Project includes:

  • Advice on which tecnology will be used.
  • Desing sketches before the whole process in order to have your agreement on the desing and the layout of the graphics elements of web project.
  • Making web desings by HTML or FLASH. Here are some examples:
    • 1 page home or presentation
    • 1 page description: our team, who we are, ...
    • 1 page news / offers / announcements
    • 1 or several pages of descriptions of your products or services
    • 1 or several pages of descriptions of your customers / or previous works
    • 1 or several pages of contact and location
    • 1 page legal notices, copyright, etc

* The texts of each page will be given in digital format (txt, word, ...). If they are not digitalize we will issue a budget for the transcription.

* The photos will be given in digital format (.jpg, .gif, or others). If they are not scan we will issue a budget for the process.